25 April 2007

Compile-Time use of assert

Why do at runtime what you can do at compile time? A lot of times, code depends on the values of certain enums not changing, or if they do, the code must be updated. If not handled properly, this can become a maintenance nightmare.

Use of the assert keyword comes in handy here. You can assert in debug builds that the value is what you expect it to be and whoever is maintaining your code will know what they need to do to make their new value work (because, let's face it, you comment your code great).

There's one little problem though. The assert line only happens if it's executed, therefore it might not catch all situations of misuse (at least not right away).

Here's a neat little trick:
#define compiletime_assert(argument) \
{ int unused[ argument ? 1 : -1 ]; }

compiletime_assert(MY_SPECIAL_VALUE == 4);
This gets evaluated at compile time. If anyone changes MY_SPECIAL_VAL to a value other than 4, the compiler will stop there with an error. The only downside is that the error is pretty cryptic, but good commenting will help out there. Obviously this will only work for things the compiler is able to evaluate at compile time, but that includes some very useful things like sizeof and value checking.

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