A friend told me this, and truth be told, I like the title.
One of the things I like to do for the community is donate blood. I'm a universal donor with a blood type of O- so several agencies call me every 8 weeks trying to get me to come in. However, I'm fairly particular about which agency I donate blood with. Generally, it's the
San Diego Blood Bank. They have several perks specifically designed to attract the <snobbery>blood donating elite such as myself</snobbery>:
- Points awarded for each donation that can be spent in their online store (or donated back)
- Online stat tracking (blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol, etc)
- Levels of preference based on how often you donate
- Awards (such as sports tickets)
- Gallon tracker
- etc.
Maybe it's an ego thing, but it's nice to whip out my Life Level 4 card and hear the trumpet fanfare and be raised on a pedestal in the spotlight... Ok, maybe all that doesn't happen, but there is some manner of recognition and the nurses are glad to have you there. The San Diego Blood Bank is doing it right and I'll be glad to see them again in another 8 weeks. Those other agencies should take notes.